Kendal is famous natural attractions Curug Sewunya, but wait, it turns out there is an attraction Kendal another, no less interesting to visit lho.Bukan waterfall or garden, it is a hill called Mount Selo Arjuno, had never heard of? This small hill in a heartbeat captivate tourists, especially lovers petualangan.Mungkin for lovers of adventure travel or mountain climbing, is no stranger to Mount Ungaran, Merbabu and Telomoyo located around the District of Semarang and Kendal. ( Bali Kuta Resort )
But what Selo Bukit Arjuno? Arjuno Selo hill is a rock that is not too high but it offers very enchanting natural scenery. From the top of Mount Selo Arjuno we can see the natural beauty Kendal who still appeared natural. Arjuno Selo hill itself is still a region with hills Bligo, characteristic of hills Arjuno Selo is not much different from Bukit Cumbri in Wonogiri, which is a large towering rock, with a fairly narrow peaks, probably only fit 7-10 people, so must turn. ( Bali Best Hotel )
Well, to enjoy the beauty of Kendal on the summit of Mount Selo Arjuno even this is not easy, because the path of ascent is very extreme, to be able to reach the summit of Mount Selo Arjuno we have to go through the line with a slope of 90 degrees, you know. But calm, because it has provided a metal ladder and a rope as a tool we climb, the slope of the line was even more extreme than the vertical lines in Pulosari. ( Bali Cheap Hotel )
Access to the Mount Selo Arjuno practically easy bother, of Kendal you can use these Kaliwungu-Boja-Limbangan then follow directions to Bali Accommodation Seminyak the village of shoals or follow directions to Curug Glawe, after that you can ask about the location of Mount Bigo or Selo Arjuno Hill. ( Bali Holiday Villa )