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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2017

Watu Payung Semin in Gunungkidul Yogyakarta

Watu Payung Semin is a natural tourist attraction of hills on the border between the districts of Gunung the Sukoharjo district. Its existence has been developed into a tourist area although his condition is neglected and not maintained. The difficulty of access roads, lack of facilities and lack of tourism promotion cause this Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak place is little known and rarely visited. Semin Watu Bukit Payung (Umbrella Stone) is situated in the hamlet Ngentak, Candirejo village, district Semin, Gunung Kidul district, Yogyakarta. Location Bukit Payung Watu Semin is still the region with the Blue Lake Semin who lately visited by tourists. From the Bali Cheap Hotel last crossroads before Telaga Biru, choose the straight and uphill road leading to Bukit Payung Watu. The road condition was slightly damaged and the necessary prudence in driving vehicles, especially two-wheeled vehicles. Vehicles can be parked in the parking lot of a small monastery on the side of the Bal

Pentulu Indah Hill, Fun Spot to Relax in Kebumen Central Java

You love nature? let's melipir moment to Kebumen, a city in Central Java, which are known for having a lot of potential natural attractions which attract mainly tourist beaches, such as Turkish Menganti and Logending Beach that has been very popular, but we forget for a moment the tourist icon, one of the attractions which were hits really in Kebumen is Pentulu Bukit Indah. Pentulu Indah Hill, or often abbreviated as PI Bukita offering Kebumen landscape that looks very beautiful, if you know about Kalibiru in Yogyakarta, surely you can imagine the sights at the PI hill, just in Bukit PI there are no reservoirs. ( Bali Cheap Hotel ) Pentulu Indah Hill sunrisenya famous sights, this location is perfect for enjoying the warm rays of sunrise with mountain background Sindoro twin Cleft, located at an elevation of about 300 masl, not too high, but offers a fascinating landscape. As the sun began to rise, if the weather is clear we can see the views of the forest

Sangiran Ancient Museum in Sragen Central Java

Sragen is still less popular with other districts, whereas in Sragen there is a tourist spot that is not less interesting to our visit, his name is the Museum of Ancient Sangiran. Museum of Ancient Sangiran is an archaeological museum where there are many collections of the ancient man in it, Purba Sangiran Museum has an area of ​​about 52 km2 and is included in several District such, District Gemolong, Kalijambe and Plupuh. Ancient Museum Sangiran is also designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, cool again, Musem Purba Sangiran is one of the most complete archaeological museum in Asia, even in the world you know. ( Bali Private Villa ) Apart from being a tourist, Museum of Ancient Sangiran is an important site in the development of various fields of science, especially for research in the fields of anthropology, archeology, biology, geology and paleoanthropology. Purba Sangiran Museum has a collection of approximately 13 806 pieces of objects divid

Selo Arjuno Hill, Extreme hill with a beautiful view in Kendal Central Java

Kendal is famous natural attractions Curug Sewunya, but wait, it turns out there is an attraction Kendal another, no less interesting to visit lho.Bukan waterfall or garden, it is a hill called Mount Selo Arjuno, had never heard of? This small hill in a heartbeat captivate tourists, especially lovers petualangan.Mungkin for lovers of adventure travel or mountain climbing, is no stranger to Mount Ungaran, Merbabu and Telomoyo located around the District of Semarang and Kendal. ( Bali Kuta Resort   ) But what Selo Bukit Arjuno? Arjuno Selo hill is a rock that is not too high but it offers very enchanting natural scenery. From the top of Mount Selo Arjuno we can see the natural beauty Kendal who still appeared natural. Arjuno Selo hill itself is still a region with hills Bligo, characteristic of hills Arjuno Selo is not much different from Bukit Cumbri in Wonogiri, which is a large towering rock, with a fairly narrow peaks, probably only fit 7-10 people, so must

Tumpak Sewu Waterfall in Lumajang East Java

Still in Lumajang, East Java, in this area there is still one more waterfall is very beautiful, even the beauty of the waterfall is already well known throughout Indonesia, named waterfalls batch sewu.Juga known as Coban sewu and grojogan sewu, if we see from the pictures of the waterfall itself, we already know the reasons why the so-called batch dong sewu? in the Java language batch has the meaning of "spill" and sewu means "thousand". ( Bali Accommoation ) So you could say "thousands spilled water" .Yes, because here there is not only the flow of the waterfall alone, but there are a lot of streams and waterfalls that line can be seen in one place, as well as the neighboring waterfall of blue cotton, path to the location can be fairly difficult. To go to these places is quite easy, can be reached from the town nearest town, real adventure will begin after we passed a levy, here we will be charged Rp. 5000 / person. (

Rainbow Fog Waterfall in Lumajang East Java

Lumajang indeed save a lot of interesting natural attractions, the city also has a designation as a "banana town" is always to make anyone want to go back to visit because of the beauty alamnya.Salah an interesting natural sights in Lumajang is the waterfall mist rainbow, or the locals used to call coban mist rainbow, so named because at tourist sites, waterfall is often seen rainbows caused by the refraction of water and sunlight. Rainbow waterfall mist managed by Perum Perhutani KPH Malang and still included within the TNBTS (Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park) because of its location at the foot of the mountain still semeru, if you want to go to Mount Bromo you will pass this place Lumajang travel. ( Bali Kuta Resort ) Niagara Mist Rainbow Lumajang has a height of approximately 100 meters and is located on the plateau with an altitude of about 1229 meters above sea level, making the attractions of the waterfall looks very beautiful, Niagara Mist

Bidadari Waterfall Sentul Bogor West Java

Bogor, precisely in Sentul there is an interesting sites that should we visit, the Bidadari waterfall, waterfall or waterfall originally named waterfall bojong koneng, but after managed by Sentul Paradise Park changed its name to the Bidadari waterfall. The waterfall had height of about 50 meters , with discharge of water large enough to make this waterfall looks beautiful, in contrast to most waterfalls in general have a beautiful view of the surrounding forest green. Bidadari waterfall made such that tempilannya be similar to the waterpark combined with a natural waterfall, unique, just below the waterfall there is a large rock that seemed artificial split into two parts just below the waterfall.  ( Bali Accommodation ) If we look from a distance, such as the flow of the waterfall flowing into a large rock fragments that exist underneath, between the rock fragments are bridges that we can go through to get closer to the falls. In addition, under the wate

Cimahi Waterfall West Java

Nature tourism is what is most often or become a favorite destination in Lembang, Bandung? Farm House, De'Ranch, Dusun Bambu or you have any other favorite tourist spots? Well, what about travel waterfall Cimahi, what you've been there? Curug Cimahi, or also known as the Rainbow waterfall is one of the popular waterfalls in Bandung known for having a very beautiful scenery. Curug Cimahi has a height of approximately 87 meters, making this waterfall became one of the highest waterfalls in the area of ​​Bandung. Named Curug Cimahi because the flow of water in the waterfall from the river Cimahi.Sedangkan taken because the name waterfall Rainbow in the waterfall area we can see a rainbow that appears by reflected sunlight. Curug Cimahi itself is at an altitude of about 1050 masl, making the air in the travel area is quite cool. ( Bali Best Hotel ) Tourist attractions Bandung this one increasingly popular after the cool pictures of the waterfall

Sekumpul Waterfall Buleleng Bali

Bali is famous for its tourist beaches, but on the other coast there are also many other travel alternatives such as temples, gardens, and waterfalls, this time we will discuss one of the waterfalls on the island of the gods. Sekumpul waterfall, located in the northern part of Bali, is one of the tourist spots that remain hidden because we need the effort to achieve it, in addition to Sekumpul waterfall, in northern Bali itself there are several other waterfalls such as: ( Bali Accommodation ) Gitgit waterfall Munduk waterfall Lumukih waterfall Sekumpul waterfall As the name implies, "Sekumpul" by groups of waterfalls in the area, when we reached the destination then we could see 7 waterfalls at once, not only local tourists, but foreign tourists are also many come here, usually foreign tourists call it by name Seven point waterfall and nearby residents call it the waterfall loading. Of the seven waterfalls, only two are close to the main road, whi

Gianyar Safari and Marine Park

For those of you who want to take a holiday to Bali, but are confused about where to go after arriving on the island. You do not need to worry, because on the island of Bali has been no place for the conservation of animals called "Bali Safari and Marine Park". Bali Safari and Marine Parks is more accurately described as a conservation than a zoo animal, because no one else in the area animals are in cages. All animals are released but still under the supervision habitat created similar to real life situations these animals. Bali Safari And Marine Park is in an area of ​​approximately 40 hectares and has about 400 animals of 60 species. Here you can be adventurous exciting to see animals in the wild life of the various parts of the world with your family or people you loved. During the tour are not allowed to use private vehicles, but put on a vehicle that has been designed specifically for the convenience of visitors. Here too the visitors were given the

Luhur Temple - Uluwatu Bali

Bali does have a variety of interesting sights that must be visited, ranging from natural attractions, culinary, history to religion, well usually religious tourism in Bali is dominated by the temple, one of the coolest temple in Bali is Pura Luhur Uluwatu (Uluwatu Temple). Pura Luhur Uluwatu is one of the temples that are included in the Sad Khayangan Jagat, which guard shaft of the wind on the island of the gods, according to information on the name of Uluwatu taken from the Sanskrit word "Ulu" meaning swept and "Watu" which means stone, perhaps the name was taken from location Uluwatu which is located at the threshold of a cliff. ( Bali Kuta Resort ) Pura Luhur Uluwatu is located on a cliff with a height of about 97 meters, in contrast to Tanah Lot located on a coral island amid the beach, than as a place of worship Hindus Bali, Uluwatu also functioning as a tourist, even as tourist attractions Uluwatu become one travel must be visited

Selabih Beach Tabanan Bali

Tabanan is not only famous for the natural beauty of its mountains as tourist attractions Bedugul with the natural beauty of Lake Beratan and also the natural beauty of teak Luwih with rice beautiful, but also has the attraction of coastal very charming and certainly not less beautiful with the shores of other island , District who earned the nickname "granary" Attraction has beaches that are well known to foreign countries, such as Soka beach and coastal Kelating. Not only has the beach and Kelating Soka, Tabanan regency in the west end there is a beach which is relatively devoid of visitors and of course very convenient to visit. The name of the beach is the beach Selabih. The beach is right on the border between the districts of Jembrana and Tabanan. Just like Yeh Leh beach belongs Jembrana district that is also located on the border, the characteristics of the beach is also similar to that of black sand and has big waves. ( Bali Best Hotel ) In th

Pengembak Beach Sanur Bali

For those who like to "hunt" a beautiful Sunrise phenomenon, try to come to the beach in sanur. Sanur is the name of a neighborhood that has many very exotic beach spots. At the start of the beach Sunrise, then the beaches of Bali Beach, Pantai Sindhu Beach Segara Ayu, Coral Beach, the beach, the beach of Semawang Mertasari, and lastly the beach Pengembak. Each of these beaches has its own uniqueness that cannot be found at other beaches, although all beaches are still in one area. ( Bali Accommodation ) Of all the beach at sanur Beach spot, there is able to offer the beauty of Sunrise (sunrise) while the phenomenon of sunset (sunset). Where in the morning we'll see the beauty of the sun rising on the eastern horizon, while in the evening we will see the beauty of the phenomenon of the sun sink behind the hills in South kuta. Spot the beach which serves two phenomenon i.e. the beach Pengembak. The beach is just down the coast of Sanur Beach named Penge

Punthuk Mongkrong | Cool Selfie Spot in Magelang For Viewing Sunrise and Sunset

Magelang district, this one includes quite unique in that it is surrounded by mountains as high as Mount Merbabu, Sumbing, Sindoro, Merapi and Telomoyo, it's no wonder that Magelang has many natural attractions menarik.Salah the natural attractions in Magelang which has a view of not less beautiful is Bali Cheap Hotel Punthuk Mongkrong, a hill has an elevation of about 624 masl, almost the same as Punthuk Setumbu, Punthuk Mongkrong also offers a natural landscape with mountains Magelang backgroundnya.Punthuk Mongkrong become famous for its beautiful sunsets, even so, in fact view of the sunrise in Magelang travel this place is equally beautiful kok. Apart it at the top Punthuk Mongkrong there is also a bridge made of bamboo, the bridge forming the letter V and protrudes into the abyss, the location of which is the most favorite photo spot for tourists. But keep in mind, because the bridge is made of bamboo, the maximum capacity should only be 2 people, yes guys, we had to